Topic 1: Coupled regional climate models


How does the development of the climate depend on the interaction between atmosphere-ocean-ice and land surfaces? What effect do natural and anthropogenic processes have? This research topic aims at the development of coupled Earth system models for applications of the regional scale. Areas of investigation are the Arctic and Europe, with a special focus on Germany. The current earth system models consist of high resolution regional models for atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, ice sheets, land surface, soil, vegetation, aerosol chemistry as well as for other components.
Further information on Topic 1 is available in German.

Contact Topic 1

Dr. Annette Rinke
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Telegrafenberg A43
D-14473 Potsdam
E-mail: Annette.Rinke(at)

Dr. Burkhardt Rockel
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung
D-21502 Geesthacht
E-mail: Burkhardt.Rockel(at)